Happy new year!
First of all, I’d like to give a huge thank-you to everyone who ordered the first Binary Star Software release “Xmas Cart 2014”, the response has been quite amazing 🙂 Thanks for your support!
I am making the cartridge available until January the 31st for anyone who would still like to order.
I have now set up a mailing list, which you can subscribe to by checking the “Sign me up for the newsletter” option in the comments section. I will be using this to send out updates of new releases periodically. Your email addresses will not be shared with any 3rd parties.
I’m giving away a FREE copy of “Xmas Cart 2014” (along with limited edition USB xmas tree) to ONE randomly selected subscriber on January 31st.
This give-away is open to anyone (including those who have already ordered Xmas Cart 2014).
The winner will be contacted on the 31st, so sign up before then for a chance to win!
Good Luck!
*UPDATE* The subscriber offer is now closed. The winner will be announced in a new website post and contacted via email.